Why is Internal Linking Important For SEO?

Why is Internal Linking Important For SEO? 

As a website owner, you must understand the importance of internal links. But, sometimes, you may forget about internal links or don’t give critical importance to the same as they focus on our crucial things. 

But remember that these small internal links can help your page and website rank at the top of search engines. This is because internal links play an integral role in ranking your pages. In addition, internal linking helps Google crawlers index your website.

This article will cover the importance and benefits of internal linking. These two areas are of utmost relevance when it comes to internal links. 

What is internal linking?

Internal linking connects one page to another page on your website. It can be an anchor text in content, navigation links, footer link or image link. Through internal links, visitors and search crawlers navigate your site to find and index pages. 

Benefits of Internal Links

Below we cover how internal linking can benefit SEO and your website. But first, let’s look at the primary edges of internal linking.

1. Help search engines understand site structure

Proper internal linking helps search engines understand how internal pages interact and which specific pages are more important than the rest. Site structure also allows search crawlers to understand the site better to understand and navigate smoothly. 

2. Crawling and Indexing 

Since Google bots are constantly working to provide users with relevant content, they will likely visit your site and crawl all internal links and pages for indexing. A solid internal link architecture is necessary to increase the crawling and indexability of your website.

If bots can easily reach pages on a site, they will likely index the site faster. With the help of these internal links or hyperlinks, the internal pages boost, and your website ranks higher simultaneously.

3. Increase Page Views

Internal links also increase your page views. For example, if the content connected to dozens of internal links is relevant to your audience, viewers are more likely to browse and spend more time on your site to improve a website’s conversion rate. 

4. Build authority on topics

When Google’s crawlers see that you have many internal links pointing to relevant content, they see your site as an authority on key topic areas. So, for example, a key piece of link-building content may also link from pages on anchor text, guest posts, backlink profile analysis, or other relevant sub-topics related to link-building. 

After knowing the benefits of internal linking, let’s understand why internal linking is important. 

Importance of Internal Linking

Here are some points that show why internal linking is important. Let’s read them thoroughly.  

1. Internal links Improve a Website’s Ranking in the SERPs

Google gives priority to the most valuable pages in the SERPs (compared to other less important pages) if they link from other pages on your site. If you have specific landing pages with proven high conversion rates, you should highlight them in your linking strategy to improve SEO.

2. Users to Conversion

Links on your homepage drive your content marketing. Individual blog posts within this structure control the restricted content, a free trial, or the product page. Your target group is no longer conscious but becomes leads and customers. 

To build a link network in this way, you need to look through the lens of the buyer’s journey. Start with creating the right content and optimizing it for the right searches, all the way through linking it in a way that drives your audience at their pace and preferences.

3. Build Your Link Equity 

Every link on your website has something called link equity. It is a measure of authority that the link continues from one page to the next. Linking pages helps spread that link equity. Internal links can transfer some of them from one page that works particularly well to another that links from there.

4. Build Your SEO 

Undoubtedly, internal linking plays an active role in SEO ranking. When search engine spiders find your site, they follow the links to discover other pages on your site. Of course, you can leave pages unlinked and hope that search engines will find every page. 

But it can take weeks or months for them to reach your site. Therefore, a logical link structure is visually appealing and effective. You can also use internal link SEO tools to make this process easier.

5. Signal Context and Relevance 

Google also relies on the anchor text of internal links to understand the context and relevance of different search terms. If the anchor text doesn’t match the content of the linked page, Google is less likely to trust the page or promote it in the SERPs for related keyword phrases. 

However, using the right anchor text can help Google better understand what the linked page is about. That’s why it’s important to use the keyword in the anchor text when creating a link.


After all, we all want search engine crawlers to find the maximum number of web pages on our websites and rank certain pages higher in the SERPs. Ensure internal linking is part of your SEO strategy unless you’re trying to optimize a single-page website.

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