6 Benefits of Long Tail Keywords in Digital Marketing

I’m here with some great news for you! Long tail keywords might just be the solution you’ve been looking for.

In today’s digital age, optimizing your website for the right keyword might be challenging because of the billions of searches. However, long tail keywords, which are longer and more specific phrases, are excellent for providing numerous benefits to improve your website’s SEO and drive more targeted traffic.

In this article, I’ll be explaining the advantages of long-tail keywords and some best keyword research tools for funding them. Moreover, you’ll learn how they can help you increase your traffic and conversion rates and reduce advertising costs. 

Why You Should Use Long Tail Keywords

Alright, let’s see the benefits of using Long Tail Keywords in your digital marketing strategy:

  • Increased traffic and ranking due to more specific searches
  • Improved conversion rates by targeting highly relevant searches
  • Reduced advertising costs by targeting less competitive keywords
  • Targeted and specific audience reach
  • Staying ahead of future trends in search behavior

Data and research have shown that Long Tail Keywords significantly impact website traffic, conversion rates, and advertising costs. Therefore, utilizing Long Tail Keywords in your digital marketing strategy can improve your overall ROI and maximize your online presence.

Additionally, with the evolution of search behavior and technology, staying up-to-date with the latest trends and tools is essential to ensure you optimize for Long Tail Keywords. So, take action today and start optimizing for Long Tail Keywords to see the benefits in your digital marketing efforts!

Long Tail Keywords vs Short Tail Keywords

In general, two types of keywords are there: long tail and short tail. Both have their own specialties and drawbacks too. Here are some differences between the two:

Short Tail Keywords:

  • Consist of 1-2 words
  • High search volume and competition
  • Broad and generic terms
  • Less targeted traffic
  • Lower conversion rate

Examples: “shoes,” “pizza,” “hotel”

Long Tail Keywords:

  • Consist of 3 or more words
  • Lower search volume and competition
  • Specific and niche terms
  • More targeted traffic
  • Higher conversion rate

Examples: “red running shoes for women,” “gluten-free pizza delivery near me,” luxury hotel in Paris with rooftop pool

Short-tail keywords are appealing due to their high search volume. However, they are very competitive and less targeted. On the other hand, long tail keywords have lower search volume but more qualified traffic and higher conversion rates.

This clearly implies that short and long-tail keywords have their place in digital marketing. But you should know the differences to decide which keywords to use for your website or ad campaigns.

1. Increased Traffic and Ranking

Long tail keywords can help drive more targeted traffic to your website by providing more specific and relevant search terms. Using more extended, more descriptive phrases can attract visitors actively searching for precisely what you offer.

But it’s not just about the traffic – long tail keywords can also help improve your search engine ranking. Moreover, using specific phrases can increase your site’s relevance and authority on Google.

Additionally, research shows that long-tail keywords can boost up to 70% of all online searches. So, if you haven’t optimized your website for long-tail keywords, you’re losing massive traffic to improve your search engine ranking.

According to a study by Ahrefs, the top-ranking pages on Google have an average of 128 long-tail keywords in their content. So start incorporating long-tail keywords into your SEO strategy today!

2. Improved Conversion Rates

Long tail keywords are more specific and targeted than broad keywords. This means that when someone searches for a long tail keyword, they are likely further along in the buying process and more likely to convert into a customer.

long tail keywords for conversion rate

But it’s not just about the length of the keyword – relevance is also key. By using these keywords, you can attract already interested visitors. 

Numerous case studies have accepted the positive impact of long-tail keywords on conversion rates. It’s been found in a study that these keywords had a 2.5 times higher conversion rate than broad keywords.

Another example comes from a company that switched focus from broad to long-tail keywords. By doing so, they increased their conversion rate by a staggering 780%.

3: Cost-Effective Advertising

Long Tail Keywords can be a game-changer when it comes to cost-effective advertising. Here’s how you get benefits:

long tail keywords for ad campaigns

Advantages of Long in Pay-Per-Click (PPC) Advertising:

  • Lower cost per click (CPC)
  • Higher Click-Through Rate (CTR)
  • Better conversion rates
  • Improved Quality Score

Reduced advertising costs:

  • Lower competition
  • More targeted audience
  • Higher relevance
  • Lower bid prices

Long Tail vs. Broad Keywords:

  • Broad keywords have higher competition and bid prices
  • Long Tail Keywords have higher relevance and better conversion rates
  • Broad keywords have a wider reach but lower targeting
  • Long Tail Keywords have a narrower reach but higher targeting and relevance

4: Targeted and Specific Audience

When it comes to attracting the right audience, Long Tail Keywords are an amazing player. Using Long Tail Keywords helps to reach out to the audience looking for something specific, as they offer a more targeted approach to keyword optimization.

long tail keywords for target audience

Targeting a specific audience has several advantages, such as; 

  • Higher conversion rates, 
  • Improved engagement, 
  • Better return on investment. 

In addition, long Tail Keywords are essential in understanding customer intent and creating helpful content

By using Long Tail Keywords, you can better understand searchers’ intent and tailor your content to match their needs. As a result, you can drive targeted traffic, higher engagement, and ultimately better results for your business.

So, whether you’re creating content, advertising campaign, or optimizing your website for search engines, you’ll get so many advantages of long tail keywords.

5: Less Competition

Long Tail Keywords are essential to a successful SEO strategy due to their lower competition. As per research, long-tailed queries cover 70% of all web searches. That means optimizing your website for these keywords has a higher chance of ranking higher in SERPs.

Targeting Long Tail Keywords with less competition is beneficial as it ensures more relevant and engaged traffic. So, with long tail keywords, you can increase engagement, conversion rates, and higher revenue.

You can find less competitive long tail keywords through keyword research tools such as Google Keyword Planner, Ahrefs, and SEMrush. These tools provide insight into keyword difficulty, search volume, and related keywords, which can help businesses identify the best long-tail keywords to target.

6: Future Trends in Long Tail Keywords

Google’s search algorithm gets updated as per digital trends. With the increasing usage of voice search and natural language queries, Long Tail Keywords are becoming more important. Hence, you must stay up-to-date with the latest trends in Long Tail Keywords to move one step ahead of your competitors.

You can use several tools and techniques to optimize for Long Tail Keywords. And this way, you can get the benefits of long tail keywords for voice search. In addition, you can optimize your content for featured snippets and use schema markup.


Long Tail Keywords undoubtedly have many benefits in digital marketing to help online businesses, SEO experts, and copywriters. Additionally, by targeting Long Tail Keywords, businesses can reach their specific audience and improve their online presence in a cost-effective way.

As search behavior and trends evolve, businesses must stay up-to-date with Long Tail Keyword optimization techniques and tools. By doing so, they can keep their online presence relevant and attract their target audience effectively.


How do I find the right long tail keywords for my website?

You can use keyword research tools like Google Keyword Planner, Ubersuggest, and Answer The Public for free. However, paid tools like Ahrefs and SEMrush can give you better in-depth results.

How can long tail keywords increase my website traffic and ranking?

Long tail keywords have less competition, which makes it easier for your website to rank higher on search engines, leading to increased traffic and improved ranking.

What’s the difference between long tail and short tail keywords?

Short tail keywords are shorter and more generic, while long tail keywords are more specific and longer phrases. As a result, long tail keywords have less competition, and short tail keywords have more search volume.

How do I optimize my website content for long tail keywords?

You can optimize your website content for long tail keywords by including them in your meta descriptions, titles, headers, and body text. However, make sure that you have high-quality and informative content for better results.

What are the future trends in long tail keywords?

Long-tails keywords will rule in the future because they include more conversational phrases. Which helps to better optimize for voice search. Moreover, long-tail keywords are highly focused on searcher intent.

What’s the best way to use long-tail keywords in my content marketing strategy?

Create high-quality & helpful content that targets a specific audience. Then, naturally, use long-tail keywords in your content, and don’t overstuff them. Besides, make sure to use keyword variations for better engagement.

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